Monday, August 1, 2011

You're here for a reason.... now do it.

Summer is almost over... I can't believe it!! I've been "living" in Mexico for just over a year now. Funny to think, at this time last year, I was having crazy "what the f***" have I done thoughts. Honestly... I didn't think I'd still be in Mexico by this time. But, I waaaay out did myself. Wooooot!

So, my time in SF was amaaaaaazing!! It was kinda a trip... jumping right back into working, rehearsals, living in (really close to) the mission. I absolutely loved every second of it. But... must admit, was a little overwhelmed at first. Ni modo, saw the fam and friends, drank some beers, even got a little lowriding in. AND, I finally got a chance to perform with the infamous Bomberas de la Bahia! I've wanted to start up with them for years. But.. with work, and dancing with at least 4 other companies at a time.. it just never worked out. Until now! It was a great experience- the girls, the music, the dance. I've been totally mesmerized by Bomba snce the first time I saw it performed in 2007, and love that I've been given a chance to learn this amazing form of dance and music from Puerto Rico! This is a sample of the group, recorded while i was in Mexico. A-MAAA-ZIIIING!

Other than that, my time in La Bahia was well-spent, and I was reminded of how freaking amazing my home is. I forget how easy it is to go to Brazil, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and India all in one weekend (I'm speaking in dancing terms, ofcourse). And, shiiiiiiiiiiiit, did I miss it! Not just that... the familiarity, my loves. All of that good stuff.

Needless to say, that month came to and end, my sublet was up, and it was time for me to get back to Xalapa and finish what I'd started. It was funny, saying bye to the family this time around. It was far less bittersweet. More like... 'See ya in a bit.' Jajaja. I'm pretty sure they've become desensitized to my coming and going.

So, here I am back in Xalapa. Found a sweet house with 3 dudes, a 15 minute walk downtown. I like it, a lot. I've been teaching at a dance studio on the other side of town. Tap, afro-brazilian, afro-haitian to a group of little girls ranging from 4-9. Suuuuuper cute. The language barrier has been... interesting, but, we're making it work. And, I looooove it! We have a little show this Friday. We'll be presenting 2 tap pieces, a Samba-Reggae piece, and a Maiis (haitian) piece. Super cute.

And already a month back in Xalapa! Fandangos, dinner making parties, peliculas de ZOMBIES, and a daily Son Jarocho Class right by my new house! Now... what to do. Money says time to go home. But, when have I ever let money stop me before! I've been offered a good amount of dance classes at the dance studio for the normal dance year. Its just gonna be a matter of finding the other half of money to keep me going. Plus, I gotta do at least 2 more tap performances here! I miss performing!! I've been stressing about this pretty badly. So not like me... I think its time for me to get the F*** over it and see what happens.

Some photos from Xalapa and Xico!

Now to figure out where to go next for a short vacation!!

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