Sunday, November 11, 2012

I've decided....

my life isn't nearly as exciting as it used to be. Maybe its because I've been back home for the past year now (eeeek!). Maybe its because I'm not totally happy with my current work situation (though I am suuuuuuper happy about the fact that I am back on my feet once again and have been for awhile. Man, coming back to the US with no monies suuuucked). Who really knows. But, tonight, while hanging out with some friends I haven't seen in awhile, I said to myself "Noooooo more of that!" Starting this week, I will do one new thing a week. Yep, every week from now until forever, one new thing. Sometimes being back home can get kinda monotonous, especially after throwing yourself into unknown territories and loving it. But, I refuse to become one of those sick of work, bored with life, super cranky bears that so many 40-hr a weekers become. First thing on my list- drinking a Hot Toddie in a bar by myself. Doesn't sound too crazy and fun, BUT, it will be a first. I have been to many bars alone, yes. However, they've always been in a different state/country. Other than a show (ie- Ted Leo, cutest guitar playin' man ever), I've never had a drink in an SF bar by myself. This week, that will change! I do have to say, doing things alone used to be one of my favorite things ever. Shows, movies, long urban adventures that took me in circles that showed me new favorite spots in my city. But, as of late... I haven't been so on top of that. Le Boo. On a side note, I've done some awesome things since my last post. Some highlights...

 Performed with Duniya at Sierra Nevada Festival!

Celebrated my awesome nephew's 16th Bday!

Did my first radio interview!

Was reunited with some of my loves from Xalapa and D.F. Not to mention going back to the city que tiene mi corazon!!

Performed on the HOTTEST foot burning stage ever with these lovely ladies.

Went to NYC to perform at Bomplenazo with Las Bomberas de la Bahia!

Got the BEST album ever!

And turned a whole year older!!

Lots of stuff! Following the birthday note... I still need to make my list of "While I'm 28, I will...." Its my annual thing. Next time.

Until then, here is the tear jerking song that my new AMAZING album starts out with. Its amazing, his voice, the intro, the musical build towards the end. If this song doesn't make you wanna cry... I don't know what will. Damn Otis. Daaaaaamn.

 XO- V