Monday, September 21, 2009

Musical Obsession #1,898

A Monday Monday, false anticipation, coffee date, and new choreography. All done with this in the background.

Coming in Mid-October...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

San Francisco Love Affair

Based on this weekend's activities alone... a few reasons I absolutely ADORE this city by the bay...

-Dance Dance Dance from all over the world
-Indian Summer
-Awesome garage doors
-Movie in the Park night (thank you, Heath Ledger)
-Brown bags and friends
-Game night
-purple carrots

Because I want to elaborate a bit...

I know the Haitians are in town when I have a hard time getting out of bed or walking up stairs. Yes, yonvalou like I never knew possible and everything is atleast done 2 feet lower than most would consider 'low.' And this is the kind if stuff I live for... For reference... see here.

Sometimes i wish i was a bit more tech savvy... but at the same time, i don't really care. Flash back to a scene at movie night... They were displaying the date and time for the next movie showing. We decide to make it a picnic, and take down the info... my friends pull out their Iphones... I pull out my mini notepad and pen. I'm okay with this... I like to write.

And now to cancel out any street cred I've ever had.... this makes me smile.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Laughing out loud... in public, again.

I have a bad habit of forgetting that I am in public... Yes, yes. i am that girl that sings along with her Ipod, or shimmies a bit with that Brenton Wood tune, convinced no one else can see me. Until I notice people looking at me awkwardly... don't mind it much, just saying.

So, today on the bus ride home, the following article made me laugh laugh laugh. Crazy looks and all, I just couldn't stop. Thank you SF weekly. And Dan Savage.

I have been in a stable poly relationship for 20 years. A good friend of mine knows this but rejects poly as a lifestyle choice for himself. He is in a "monogamous" relationship now. But he is willing to cheat on his girlfriend—with me if I wanted, but I'm not keen. My question is this: Why would someone pick cheating when they know about open or poly relationships? I don't understand. I don't see the logic in it.
—Honest Open Poly Eros

Isn't it obvious? Your friend wants to have sex with other people, HOPE, but he doesn't want his girlfriend having sex with other people. What I don't understand is why an honest poly can be friendly with a dishonest cheater. That's like an out gay person being friends with a tormented closet case—where's the logic in that?
And this has nothing to do with your question, HOPE, but I've got a little space to kill: The Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida, made the news last week when its pastor replaced the megachurch's 10 Pepsi vending machines with 10 Coke machines. The pastor felt that Pepsi was far too supportive of—can you guess?—"the gay lifestyle."
What I found most remarkable about this story wasn't the stupidity—more on that in a moment—but the fact that a single church in Florida has 10 soda-pop vending machines. Ten! You would think the good Christians at Bell Shoals could make it through an hour or two on a Sunday without a cold can of corn syrup.
And psst… Bell Shoals? Coke supports gay rights, too. Your best gay-hatin' soda-pop option may be ZamZam Cola. It was a subsidiary of Pepsi, true, but that was before the Islamic Revolution. Made in Iran, ZamZam Cola is the most popular soft drink in Saudi Arabia, and I'm guessing the good folks at ZamZam don't like the gays any more than you do. But if the "soft drink of the Hajj" doesn't appeal to you, Bell Shoals, how about asking your parishioners to go without soda pop for an hour a week?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hulu Hulu... I love you..

I just got back from Afro Brazilian, first time in over month as I was away for awhile, and my director just got back from Brazil. Nothing like live drumming, dripping in sweat, and minor whip lash to make a tuesday night.

I like finding things that make my nights. Or days. or things i just like in general. Something that has been making my nights lately, I can conveniently enjoy from exactly where I am. Now... I don't have cable, nor do I watch too much TV. In other words, I tend to be way behind and out of the loop when it comes to current stars, music, shows, etc. But, the past week I have been absolutely in love with Season 5 of The Office. Discovering Hulu has been... a lot like discovering I can have a tab at my corner market- so simple and convenient, while making me giggle a bit at the same time.

I have never worked in an office before. But, I do have many friends with many stories that form my idea of what office days are like... all taking tangible form in The Office. If you are unfamiliar... I highly suggest becoming familiar. Especially with 'Cafe Disco' from season 5. See for yourself...

Hulu also enabled me to watch CryBaby... I think I have a minor website crush.

Monday, September 14, 2009

In the now, in the now....


it is now mid-september. Apparently, I am not too good at this keeping up with a blog thing...

So many stories, so much fun, so much life has happened in the past month and a half. Mexico was AMAZING. Couchsurfing change my entire trip- I would not have had the same ins as I did, and would not have had such great experiences everywhere I went. I fell in love with the country, the culture, the history, the people. I have never been surrounded by such awesome people who were way more than hospitable enough. Living with a bunch of boys in D.F., south part of Oaxaca with a bunch of locals, amazing family treating me like their own in Veracruz, and REAL family in Orizaba. Even the tattoo artist who i stumbled upon in D.F. made me a rockabilly cd just as quick as I mentioned wanting one. Just amazing people, everywhere I went. This trip reinforced my idea that if you are open and willing to accept and trust people and experiences, even if you don't know them or the city or the language, amazing things will come. And I would rather live by this, than by fear... never actually living.

My need to "find some roots" was more than fullfilled. I found that and so much more. An indesribable love for this place. Everywhere I went had a different touch. A different vibe, but all great. I finally am able to embrace this place that is part of my history. I wish i had more time. I want to go back, I NEED to go back. I need to see more, to be there longer, to have a more established existence there... for a bit. I'm working on it. As I type.

I was super depressed and in my own world for a couple weeks after getting back... I've since adjusted back to SF a bit more, remembered how amazing it is, how much I freakin' love this city. I have been making it a point to keep living in SF... while traveling, escpecially alone in a new area, you have to be in the moment. You have to see everything around you. You have to be willing to open up to people around you. But... once at home, I always get pulled into this boring routine life... more of a mindset really. I have really been trying to avoid this, and just DOING in SF, too. Group meet ups, new bars, new people... and have been loving every second of it. But... i still want to go back. I made a decision that I will no allow mnyself to be so easily influenced to do because of others... but only to do because of me. Pretty braod comment... but applies to everything. And makes a lot of sense, I think. SO far, so good.

So... in keeping with actually doing things that I want to do.... I have a pre-25 list I need to keep up (oh my god... in a little over a month, I will be a mother f'in quarter of a century). some I've already done... some I haven't (these are as of this year).. let's see-

-learn spanish
-New country*
-ride my bike across the GG bridge
-get my tap shoes fixed and choreograph a new solo piece
-actually go on a hike
-Learn to surf*

More to come... all I can think of off the top of my head.

Just a few sidenotes...
-I am currently trying to eat as vegan as possible, and have actually been doing pretty good. I just want to cut out dairy for a while... to see how I do. I guess I didn't eat much of it in the first place (except in Mexico. Damn cheese all day and all night).
-I am determined to try a new recipe every week or two. And eat out as rarely as possible, for reasons including money, domesticity, and new recipes.
-I am on a mission to ride my bike a lot more often, as a mode of transportation... finally comfortable enough to ride around the city w/o question. Next on the biking list is to do a giant city ride, photographing graffiti. And posing with them. Just for fun.
-Why is beer so damn good?

Mexico favorites: