Wednesday, November 3, 2010

45 anos de Fiestas Octubre!!

The past couple of weeks have been great, I must say. Between free concerts, beach time, new running shows (woooot!), good times for sure.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but here in Guadalajara, there is a months long "Festival" called 'Fiestas Octubre.' Its the end of the rainy season, and los Tapatios like to get out and enjoy the sun (that, yes we still have at this time). A tradition that's been going on for about 45 years I believe, the city holds a free concert of various types of dance and music on a stage downtown EVERY NIGHT. yes, how awesome is that?! And, a lot of it is some really rad stuff- Music from India, Tango, various traditional types of music and dance from all over Mexico. Well... the other week I went to un noche de folclor internacional. Yes, it included la Compania de dance folclor de Venezuela y un grupo folclorico de aqui (GDL). It was a sweeeeet show. The Venezuelan group was super diverse... going from zapateado to some serious Afro shit (and you KNOW how I feel about serious afro-shit!). I was really impressed. Not to mention, there were some dances/costumes/etc that really made me think of different Afro-Haitian Rhythms. Seriously.

Like this one.... Swa Kongo like wooooooooah! The skirts, hair wraps, scarves. Either way, it was sooo rad!

And this song (not to mention the AWESOME drumming) kinda made me think... Bomba?

It just goes to show the crazy connection between Latin American countries and African roots. They all tie into each other one way or another. I just love ALL of it!!

El Grupo Folclorico de Guadalajara started out a section of sones de Veracruz, Including La Bruja! So pretty (my friend Benjamin and I were counting each sign for me to move to Veracruz that night. So many).

It was nice to see Mariachis, too. Its strange. Jalisco is the birth place of many things that are considered "traditional" in Mexican Heritage, such as Mariachi Music, Tequila, Banda. But, I have seen any freakin' Mariachi music! En Serio.... Maybe its cuz it has become such a modern city. But, Really? none? So, I was pleased when this tight pants wearin', big hat ownnin', oversized string instrument playin' group came out. Woooohoooo!! Oh.... big hats NOT featured. Whooops.

Fuuuuun. I am a little bummed that I didn't get as much exposure to learning Ballet Folclorico while here in GDL. Buuuuuut, i guess it just wasn't meant to be. But, I must say... Free freakin' concerts every night for a month?! F-yeah, Guanatos!

On a different note... I finally figured out the PERFECT IPod volume to drown out the CLASSY mexican hoots, hollas, and 'aye, mamis' while I'm running. Wooooot!!


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