Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunshine and a weekend of awesome.

I am currently sitting in (one of) my favorite neighborhood coffee. No... I take that back. My favorite neighborhood coffee shop. With a spicy soy chai. and I am happy! Now this was a cafe that I used to come to because of its location (right beneath Dance Mission), in between classes or during intermission of a show. But, now... I can come here just because its so awesome. Also, they show the World Cup.

Anyway... Side notes aside, this weekend was the Ethnic Dance Festival! Now, it always seems a little strange. Months, Weeks, hours or rehearsal for a one weekend performance. But, let me tell you, the amazing experience connection and exposure to cultures from all over the world make it all worth it. Plus, we dance because we love it and can't live without it, so what better way to celebrate that than amongst artists with open arms from all over the world! Seriously, the instant feeling of community is amazing, both within your group and those around you. Dance parties with Indian dancers, shared desserts from the Tahitians, and picture taking with the Peruvians, all within a 10 minute period... where else can you get that?

Each time we took the stage was different, but all powerful and connected. It felt so great to finally be on the stage with the drummers, dancers, and singers. And Simbi Dlo. She heard us, I am sure of it. Standing in the wings before going on, flashes of the Haitian people who are trying to rebuild their home and truly are in need of water came to mind, and I had to reach for Simbi Dlo even more than before. It was a reminder of why I do what I do, why I love the stage. To be so alive, so in the moment, sharing those moments with so many others. Getting caught up in the movement, the music, and the constant connection between the two- it is something I cannot put into words. Just powerful and vulnerable all at once. I was chatting with one of the girls after a show, and she said that each time she goes on stage, she realizes that you never know what is going to happen. Which is true, we don't. But, you have to go into it with all that you have, in spite of not knowing. And I love that.

Overall, the weekend was amazing. As one of the tahitian dancers and I decided, the only thing that could have made it better was to NOT have to go work the next day. One day...

Until then, I'll continue exploring the world through dance, whether in SF or the great beyond. I have about a month here in SF, and I plan on taking as many dance classes as I can. By the way... Bhangra is FUUUUN!!

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