Friday, July 19, 2013

Twizzlers, Airplanes, and Oscar Wao

Here she goes... last minute packer, AGAIN! I swear, one day... I'll figure out this whole "be ready early" thing.

The other day, in preparation for my first real vacation ever (traveling, couchsurfing, and dance intensives don't count. That shit is tough), I made a Target run for some essentials. I came home and showed my roommate some of the stuff I bought "for my trip." Mini body wash, a travel size toothpaste, new lip gloss... and Twizzlers. Bags and Bags of Twizzlers. When she asked, "What are these for...?" I replied, "For my trip." Then, I realized, maybe not everyone has the same travel list as me.

For whatever reason, I need Twizzlers to travel. As far back as I can remember, I haven't taken a single airplane ride without being fully stocked on Twizzlers (or some Mexican knock-off) before boarding. Its like... my travel size face wash. Or, my photo ID. Twizzlers are just required. Funny thing is, I don't even eat them very often in normal life.

That being said, I'm packing my sunglasses, sandals, and Twizzlers (in my carry-on, ofcourse) and heading off for a week in Hawaii. I've never been. Nor have I ever been on a vacation with my niece, nephew, and big bro. So, it'll be an experience for sure. I don't really know what to do with a whole week with no where to be at any given time (I have a little anxiety about this, honestly), but I'm hoping the sandy white beaches will solve that, And, Maybe, just maybe, I'll finally finish the second half of "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao," a book I borrowed from a co-worker over a year ago (I'm pretty sure I owe her a brand new copy at this point). Its an F'in AMAZING book, but for whatever reason, I can't get to myself to sit still long enough to finish it!

I leave you with a Rhumba.... I've been rehearsing with my Afro Cuban Company a lot the passed few weeks, and having flashbacks of my traveling dancer days in Veracruz. We did a Rhumba piece to this song way back when, and it gives me that tingle-y feeling every time I hear it!!


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