Monday, January 14, 2013

I loooove this week!!

New dresses, Brunch with besties, walks through the 'hood, and a movie night with favorites (as in theaters... fancy in these parts). Sunday was awesome. And I already can't wait for the rest of the week! Yeah, a night of insomnia, but I'm just using it as extra time to get pumped for the dance filled, new adventure days I have ahead of me. And I'm sure some extra nyquil will handle that problem soon enough.

 And in case you're wondering, sweet biscuits and tofu scrambles in the Lower Haight are amaaaaaazing. 1/2 hr waits in the cold ain't got nothin' on us!

Days of saying something, and actually DOING IT! I'm glad you're back and you're treating me better than ever.


Don't ask. Its just timeless.


1 comment:

  1. Kate's Kitchen... not just strange third person references to making brunch. I <3 Sundays where I see you twice!
