Sunday, March 27, 2011


Its gettin' Hot Hot Hot here in Xalapa. En serio.

Last Wednesday, the group I dance with, Ashe-Olorun, had a last minute chance to be in a documentary on the African influence in Mexico. The project is based in el D.F., but the film crew came out for the day to shoot us. Its was a loooooong day, but so rad! We had a.m. rehearsal, then went straight to the location in Coatepec. It was shot on a historical hacienda- Soooooo freakin' beautiful! Everything was classic- from the furniture, to the architecture. We got there, searched for a good spot to dance (dancing barefoot on dirt and rocks... not too easy), rehearsed until it got dark, then started recording with torches, etc instead of lights. Ya know... to keep it all raizes and stuff. All good work, followed but yummmmmmmy food and beer. I LOVE mexican hopsitality! I ended up chatting with the woman that lives on and cares for the land. She was born in Xalapa, but lived in California most of life, a lot of it in the bay area. Theeeeeeeen, I met a sweet older woman who was from West Portal (SF), and had been living in Mexico for the past 40-something years. Small freakin' world, no? Again... me being LAME with a dead camera battery... didnt get to take photos, but i stole a couple from my friend Karime!!

Last night, I went to a Fandango (por fiiiiiiiiiin) with a couple of friends... Didn't quite work up the nerve to dance, but did play the quijada for awhile. This is an instrument made from the jawbone of a donkey or horse... You play the teeth, then hit the side to make it rattle- one of my favorite instruments (weird, coming from a veggie... huh?). Its really big in Afro-Peruvian music, but also used in Son Jarocho music. Photos to come...

Homesick from time to time... and it suuuuuuuuuuuucks. a lot. Its a feeling that I can't explain... I physically feel it in my throat and chest. With time, I know. But, still.... there's not place like home.

and totally unrealted, Bumpin' this song like wooooooah!!

Hasta Luego!

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